COJET Video Center
The video training programs on this page are accredited for COJET by the Education Services Division of the Arizona Supreme Court AOC. Judicial branch employees should seek the prior approval of their supervisor and local court training coordinator before viewing a video program to ensure non-facilitated learning is an approved part of their professional development plan.
To obtain COJET credit for viewing a video program:
Complete the COJET Individual Accredited Evaluation form and submit to the local court training coordinator.
The AOC Education Services Division also maintains an expanded, searchable catalogue of video programs beyond those featured below.
Most Recent Recordings
Overview of Arizona’s Legislative Process from the Court's Perspective
Learn about the legislature, the process of how a bill becomes a law, how to look up bills online & our internal process for vetting potential legislation through committees.
Who We Serve - Understanding the Who, What, and Why of Arizona Courts Training
It can be difficult to get a full view of the gloriously complex and wide-ranging justice system machine. This session provides a high-level overview of the Arizona Judicial Branch and give you a sense of the larger Arizona system of justice to which you make important contributions in your role at the AOC
Building Resilience Techniques for Combating Burnout |
In an era marked by relentless demands and unique challenges in judicial education, resilience has emerged as a critical skillset for thriving professionally and maintaining well-being. Embark on a transformative journey to understand the dynamics of burnout, recognize its warning signs, and develop practical techniques for building resilience.
2024 Cybersecurity Update |
- Important changes to the electronic communications policy, ACJA 1-503
- Increased password requirements being imposed by Microsoft on cloud accounts
- A step-by-step breakdown of an actual attack on a court employee that successfully stole 2FA credentials
Building Trust Through Procedual Justice |
In this training, participants will learn the principles of procedural justice and how to weave these elements into decision-making and program development.
Breaking the Cycle: A New Day for Arizona's Probation System |
We discuss the progress that’s been made to improve the Arizona Probation System. This session will review the big leaps made and initiatives executed in the past 5 years to focus on improving public safety in our communities and enhancing positive outcomes for those involved in the justice system.
I Have My Credential. Now What Do I Do? |
You’ve passed the exams and are now an Arizona Credentialed Court Interpreter, but now what? We all need some guidance and reminders of how to put our training into practice. This class will provide insights and tips on managing the challenges faced by interpreters through an analysis of the Arizona Court Interpreter Code of Conduct.
Get Started with Microsoft PowerPoint |
Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to create, view, present, or share presentations quickly and easily. Get started by learning to navigate PowerPoint, design presentations, and use helpful presentation tools.
Yeah, But... Justifying Our Behavior vs. Taking Responsibility |
Have you ever found it difficult to own up to a mistake you made or justifying why you had to do what you did? This class explores why it can be difficult to take responsibility for mistakes and why it can be easy to justify our actions or pass the blame. Explore ways to become more comfortable accepting responsibility and the importance of doing so.
Inclusive Language in the Courts |
We serve a diverse public and greater community. Being able to speak to others and help them, using words that make them feel included and heard, can be such a game changer for daily interactions. We look at more inclusive language that we can use when speaking and addressing others here at the courts.
Handout Evaluation
Proposition 207: Issues and Answers |
View more archived COJET videos