The COJET Classroom is a one-stop source for court staff education including computer-based training (CBT) modules, video streaming, and other eLearning programs.
Judges and Arizona judicial branch personnel can earn credit toward their annual continuing judicial branch education requirement ("COJET") by taking programs accredited by the Supreme Court AOC Education Services Division, local court training coordinator, or accredited sponsor. COJET-accredited programs must contribute directly to or have a primary purpose of improving the professional skills, competence, or ethical obligations of judges, probation and court personnel.
Judicial Branch Personnel
To Receive COJET Credit use the COJET Accredited Individual Evaluation Form. Depending on local court guidance, judicial branch personnel may need to print the form and provide it to a local training coordinator to recieve COJET credit.
To Submit or Propose a Course for COJET accreditation:
Curricula and programs may be submitted for review and COJET accreditation by completing the COJET Accreditation Form. Applicants should complete and submit the accreditation form with all applicable materials.