
The Education Services Division staffs several judicial branch education policy committees and units, each with a specific focus of developing court personnel and judges.  The Committee on Judicial Education and Training (COJET) assists the Arizona Supreme Court in developing educational policies and standards for the court system, and is responsible for monitoring the quality of educational programs, recommending changes in policies and standards, and approving guidelines for accrediting training programs.




Current Meeting August 29, 2024




Remote Access

Judicial Education Center (JEC) & Remote
3003 N Central Ave. 5th Floor. Phoenix, AZ


Agenda and Materials AGENDA
Future Meetings

November 21, 2024

Committee Staff
Committee Assistant
Jeff Schrade (602) 452-3000
Jenifer Grubbe (602) 452-3006



The Committee on Leadership and Workforce Excellence (COLAWE) assists the judicial branch leadership to coordinate, direct, and provide oversight of judicial branch leadership development programming and training initiatives which maintain the excellence of Arizona’s judicial branch workforce.  This Committee works with training coordinators to assist in development of professional and comprehensive curriculum and develop meaningful, comprehensive management and leadership trainings and programs for current and future court leaders to use in advancing the administration of justice in Arizona.   



Date/Time August 16, 2024

Judicial Education Center / ZOOM

3003 N. Central Ave., 5th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85012


Conference Call-in/Zoom

Agenda and Materials (TBA) AGENDA
Future Meetings:

November 19, 2024 – Virtual Only

Committee Staff Renu Sapra, (602) 452-3015
Committee Assistant Sarah Kennedy, (602) 452-3027


The Judicial College of Arizona  (JCA) is responsible for the development, implementation, and administrative oversight of the training of Arizona’s judicial officers, as well additional educational programs which support Arizona’s judicial branch.  The JCA is governed by a Board and is staffed by the Education Services Division of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). The Board is led by a dean and an associate dean, and is composed of judges from all varieties of state courts, as well as members representing the educational community and public.

JCA Board Meetings

The JCA Board holds quarterly public meetings to review evaluations of the past programs, assess the status of programs in development, and implement planning for future programs. The Board also discusses current trends in judicial training, explores opportunities for partnerships with external partners, and analyzes the training implications for changes in judicial branch policies and direction. 



Date/Time September 20, 2024 TBA






Future Meetings 

December 13, 2024

Committee Staff Gabe Goltz  (602) 452-3033
Committee Assistant Jenifer Grubbe (602) 452-3006 

The Committee on Probation Education (COPE)  is responsible for assisting the Arizona Supreme Court in the development, adoption and oversight of curriculum and faculty for probation officers and juvenile detention officers to enhance competency and continuity of knowledge and practice.  COPE membership includes leadership from adult and juvenile departments, law enforcement, judges, public members and AOC directors.




December 3, 2024 (Zoom meeting)

 Time:   9am-11am
 Location: Virtual via Zoom
Remote Access:

Zoom (email Michelle Wessels for more information)

Committee Staff: Joannie Collins (602) 452-3025
Committee Assistant: Michelle Wessels (602) 452-3010

  COPE Report



Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as auxiliary aids or materials in alternative formats, by contacting Michelle Wessels at [email protected] or (602) 452-3010.  A person requesting an accommodation should make the request as early as possible to allow time to arrange the requested accommodation.







November 12, 2024

Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Location: 3003 N. Central Ave. 5th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Remote Access:

 Zoom (email Michelle Wessels or Deneen Bertucci for more information)

Parking: Validations provided for Phoenix Corporate Tower Parking Garage
Committee Staff: Deneen Bertucci (602) 452-3005
Committee Assistant: Michelle Wessels (602) 452-3010


 Meeting Materials:

  Meeting Minutes