2003 Case Summaries

These web pages are designed to provide members of the news media and other interested parties with summaries of Oral Arguments that will be or have been heard by the justices of the Arizona Supreme Court.

These summaries were prepared by the Arizona Supreme Court Staff Attorney’s Office and the Administrative Office of the Courts solely for educational purposes. They are not to be considered official commentaries by the court or any member thereof or part of any brief, memorandum or other pleading filed in these cases.

December 9, 2003 Case Summaries: CV-03-0110-R and CV-03-0122-PR

November 6, 2003 Case Summaries: CV-03-0099-PR and CV-03-0100-PR

November 4, 2003 Case Summaries: SB-03-0015-D, CV-02-0439-PR and CV-03-0122-PR

October 7, 2003 Case Summaries: CR-00-0595-AP; CV-02-0412-PR and CV-02-0375-PR

September 11, 2003 Case Summaries: CR-03-0070-PR; CV-03-0090-PR and CV-02-0369-PR

September 8 2003 Case Summary: CV-03-0245-SA

June 3 2003 Case Summaries: CR-01-0100-AP; CR-01-0103-AP and CR-02-0427-PR

May 29, 2003 Case Summaries: CR-01-0270-AP; CR-02-0042-AP and CV-02-0388-CQ

March 20, 2003 Case Summary CV-02-0316-PR and (CV-02-0140-PR / CV-02-0175-PR)

February 19, 2003 Case Summary CV-02-0233-PR and CV-02-0435-PR

February 13, 2003 Case Summary Cr-02-0023-PR State of Arizona v James Earl Christian

January 14, 2003 Case Summaries CV-02-0176-PR; CR-01-0129-AP; and (CV-02-1040-PR / CV-02-0175-PR)

January 9, 2003 Case Summaries SB-02-0124-D; CR-01-0091-AP; and CV-02-0191-PR