Crossover Youth Practice Model

The Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM) addresses the unique needs of youth at risk of or are fluctuating between the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.  These youth are commonly referred to as “crossover youth.”

The Administrative Office of the Courts leads CYPM efforts to encourage better collaboration among child welfare agencies, juvenile courts and probation departments, behavioral health providers, schools, and law enforcement. CYPM is practiced throughout Arizona by juvenile courts and probation departments, and the Department of Child Safety (DCS) with some counties also engaging other stakeholders such as schools, community providers, and tribal authorities in regular meetings and/or case staffings.

State CYPM protocols ensure consistent approaches to serve CYPM youth, establish accountability and have known expectations between system collaborators that result in improved communication, increased family engagement and improved outcomes for crossover youth.  County specific protocols have also been developed to guide collaborative work for crossover youth in individual counties, these county protocols have unique attributes that are county specific and incorporate the state protocols.

Collaborative CYPM efforts are ongoing at the local levels to develop and strengthen CYPM teams with the goal of improving outcomes for crossover youth.